
Key Milestones of Yan Zhang

by Yan

11/25/1977, born as a girl in a normal Shanghainese family. Grandpa names me Yan, meaning 'swallow' (the little black bird) in Chinese

9/1/1984, started elementary school in China's best one

12/1984, got bad temper fixed by teacher

9/1/1989, started high school in China's best one

9/1/1996, started college in China's best medical school, did not manage to become a doctor, which leads me to a totally different life

June, 1999, started dating my 1st boyfriend, formed a band called Nutty, felt like it was heaven every time I looked at my man

August, 2000, started my 1st job, felt at lost of what I wanted for career

September, 2003, realized my studying abroad dream in UK

December, 2004, graduated in Master's of Science if Management, almost graduated with honor; broke up with my man after his cheating on me twice. 1st romance durance: 5 years

Feb, 2005, back to Shanghai, started Marketing Research job by accident

December 2005, met my last bf, felt like heaven again

March, 2007, joined current company

July, 2007, bf moved back, heart broken, darkest period in life, mental disorder (LOL) 2nd romance durance: 1.5 yrs

November 2007, got my 1st SLR camera Pentax

April, 2008, traveled for one month in the US

May, 2008, started applying for intl. transfer

June, 2008, got job offer in LA

November, 2008, moved to LA

September, 2009, got my 2nd SLR camera, Nikon D90

November, 2009, traveled to NYC and D.C, saw the man, heart still beat fast

1/14/2010, photo published by NYtimes

Looking back, it was not bad at all

1 comment:

  1. Yan !!

    Never new you were in a band? Got any material from those years?

